Workshop for students of Rivne Regional Scientific Lyceum

As a part of the Jean Monnet Erasmus+ project “European Studies of Intercultural Communication: the EU experience for Ukraine” and the scientific week of social disciplines at the Regional Scientific Lyceum in Rivne on November 29, 2023, an interactive workshop on the topic “Conflict Resolution” took place. The training was conducted by Maria Petrushkevych, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Management at the National University “Ostroh Academy.”

Students learned about various formulations and classifications of conflicts, the roles of all possible parties in the collision of interests, and methods for resolving and overcoming conflicting situations. Attention was focused on situations related to intercultural communication and potential problems in this sphere. Thanks to the interesting structured theory and the examination of various examples of contradictions arising in different spheres of human interaction, lyceum students expanded their skills in crisis management.